Aloha, e komo mai. Let me briefly share with you my journey into holistic healing.
Many moons ago, I studied hairdressing and esthetics. After working in the field I found it wanting; for me the industry lacked the soul and substance I desired, so I moved on.......
In 1997 I decided to study herbal medicine and received the title Chartered Herbalist from Dominion Herbal College (Burnaby, B.C.)
For years I worked in health food stores and a holistic pharmacy but eventually pulled away from the retail world to work hands-on, one on one with people.
I took up Reflexology and later became a Reiki practitioner and Registered Massage Therapist. While I was studying, I became acquainted with Lomilomi lapa'au, a form of traditional Hawai'ian healing. I fell in love immediately and decided to follow the path myself. I studied here informally as well as with Essential Bodywork (Australia)
I soon felt the need to go to the source of this beautiful healing tradition and dive into its mysteries.
Eventually I fulfilled a dream and travelled to Pahoa, Hawai'i to study with kahuna/kumu/kahus Harry Uhane Jim and Sila Lehua Jim, receiving certifications from the Halau Uhane Lomilomi Lapa'au.
It was a journey of self discovery and healing. I aim to provide the same for others through my work.
I have continued my studies with the Halau and became a kumu (teacher) and kahu (lightkeeper, source) of the Uhane lineage.
'Mana nalu', the name I chose to represent my work has, like most Hawai'ian words, a many layered meaning. Simply translated, it means 'spirit wave' or 'wave of power' which I believe illustrates, in a poetic way what is occuring during a healing session.
Mahalo nui loa for your interest.
Deepest aloha and many blessings,
Christina Schlegel RMT